The Epic Beef Between Eminem and MGK: What Happened and Who Won

Epic Beef Between Eminem and MGK

In the world of hip-hop, beefs and rivalries are part of the culture, often leading to some of the most memorable moments in music history. One such feud that caught the attention of fans and critics alike was the clash between Eminem (Marshall Mathers) and MGK (Machine Gun Kelly, Colson Baker). Here’s a detailed look at what happened and the general consensus on who emerged victorious.

The Origins of the Beef:

The tension between Eminem and MGK can be traced back to 2012, when MGK tweeted about Eminem’s daughter, Hailie Jade, calling her "hot" despite her being underage at the time. This tweet didn’t sit well with Eminem, who is notoriously protective of his family. Although it took some time for the feud to escalate, MGK claimed that Eminem had blacklisted him from certain media outlets because of the tweet. This accusation, however, was never directly confirmed by Eminem.

The Diss Tracks

The real fireworks began in 2018 with the release of Eminem’s surprise album, "Kamikaze," in August. On the track "Not Alike," Eminem took shots at various artists, including MGK, referencing the controversial tweet about Hailie and accusing MGK of trying to advance his career by dissing him.

In response, MGK released the track "Rap Devil" in September 2018, just days after "Kamikaze" dropped. In "Rap Devil," MGK criticized Eminem’s age, his recent music, and accused him of attempting to sabotage his career. The track was bold and direct, quickly gaining traction and sparking widespread discussion.

Not one to back down, Eminem responded with "Killshot" a few days later. In this track, Eminem mocked MGK’s appearance, his claims of being blacklisted, and questioned his credibility as a rapper. "Killshot" was a meticulous and scathing retort that further fueled the public debate.

Public and Critical Reaction

MGK’s "Rap Devil" was praised for its boldness and directness. Many appreciated MGK for standing up to a legendary figure like Eminem and delivering a solid diss track. However, when "Killshot" was released, it was widely lauded for its lyrical complexity, wordplay, and incisive takedowns. Eminem’s track was seen as a more technically proficient and devastating response.

Who Won?

The general consensus among fans and critics is that Eminem emerged as the winner in this feud. Here’s why:

  • Lyrical Superiority: Eminem’s "Killshot" is widely regarded as more lyrically complex and cutting than "Rap Devil."
  • Career Impact: Eminem’s stature in the hip-hop community remained unshaken, while MGK’s diss, though bold, did not significantly damage Eminem’s career or legacy.
  • Public Opinion: Polls and fan discussions on social media platforms and hip-hop forums leaned heavily in favor of Eminem after the release of "Killshot."

It’s worth noting that the beef did provide a significant boost to MGK’s visibility and career. Despite the general consensus favoring Eminem, MGK gained a lot of attention and respect for daring to take on one of the greatest rappers of all time.

Diss Track from Eminem:


Diss Track from MGK:



Both artists have since moved on from the beef, focusing on their respective careers. MGK has diversified into other genres, particularly pop-punk, while Eminem continues to release music and perform.

In summary, while MGK’s "Rap Devil" was a strong and brave effort, Eminem’s "Killshot" is generally viewed as the more effective diss track, leading most to conclude that Eminem won the beef. Nonetheless, the feud between these two artists provided fans with some unforgettable moments and showcased the enduring nature of hip-hop rivalries.

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